Saturday, February 1, 2014

Target audience section in the documentary

Target Audience Video - stop motion
As part as my groups documentary, Katie and I created a 1 minute long clip explaining the research we did to gather information about our target audience. We found out from this that out target audience was mainly girls as in the interview the most popular answer was to have a female protagonist as it was most relatable that way. 

In the video we mainly talked about the mood board and how we made it based on the results from survey monkey, interviews and the focus group. We decided to make out section of the documentary a little more interesting and unique as oppose to just sitting in front of the camera talking. So for this we printed off some graphs that we put together about the interests of the target audience (what they like to do in their free time) and explained how this would help us create an image of our target audience through a voiceover. We also printed of some separate images from the mood board which we felt told us most about the kind of thing we want to include in our film opening. Things such as the typical settings that our audience associated with a teen romance, the music aspect which connotes an outcast character and some images of people which reflect the 'normal' teen and the 'outcast' teen. Once we had printed them out we used my iphone camera to take various pictures of each photo moving slowly into the centre of the table instead of doing a video. We thought that the stop motion was a lot more interesting and had more of a teen feel to them. Clips of the interviews and focus group were placed at the end of the documentary so there was no need to include them in this section.

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