Sunday, February 2, 2014

Brainstorming the story - My thoughts

My thoughts on the film:
The protagonist, main idea, opening of the film, rough idea of the whole plot.
In order to make the opening as effective as possible, it was important that as an individual i could come up with a plot for the rest of the film but also an idea of what i thought would look good for an opening. As a group we decided that each member of the group would come up with a plot for the rest of the film and an idea for an opening so that we could come together in class and try and come up with a general idea of a plot for the rest of the film between us. By doing this we can all input our ideas to get a bigger variety of things we could include in our opening that will set up the rest of the fill well giving an element of mystery. To do my individual brainstorm i used a website called which allowed me to write as much as i wanted. 
Most of the ideas on my mind map revolve around the research we had done into things that outcasts tend to do. So i included the fact that she could be reading at the train station to show the whole interest in reading (makes it more relatable). I also included the whole idea that she enjoys taking photos everywhere she goes to document the nice things in life which wasn't a popular interest on the survey, this means that it would be different and could inspire other teens to be more like the female in the story.

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