Saturday, February 15, 2014

Preliminary task

Our Preliminary Task
Katie, Chlaryse, Becky and Jade

For out task we had to film footage of someone walking through a door and sitting down to exchange a short conversation with another person. To do this we used chlaryse and Katie from my group and i filmed. We made sure that we included a variety of different shots such as a close up of the handle, the pan of the room, mid shots, wide shots, match on action. This made sure that the short film would look as professional as possible. We did some research before doing the take on the 190 degree rule - this was so that all of our shots looked right. We found this video on the left which explained to us the rules of the rule and ensured that we didn't break them - which we didn't. We made sure tt we had one line either side of the door and whilst she was walking into the classroom, but also in between me (the filmer) and katie and chlaryse (who were having the conversation being filmed) during the reverse shots. To help with this we used i movie to edit together the clips and to adjust all the audio levels. I am please with how the task went and i think that all the shots are edited together nicely.

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