Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Evaluation - Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
We created a prezi presentation to write up all the information about our distributor - fox searchlight. This was a more creative way of presenting the information and meant that we could section all the smaller questions within the presentation. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Evaluation - Question 2

Who would be the audience for your media product? 
The video for question 1 took a long time to make as i hadn't planned what i needed to put in it so i spent a lot of time deleting a re-adding clips and coming up with more ideas as i made the video. To avoid this i wrote a plan of what i am going to include in the second question to save time and make sure that i have included all the things that i need to.

On the plan i have written about what i am going to include which is mainly referring back to the research that i did at the planning stage. This includes the survey monkey results, target audience video and mood board images. i have written the main findings from the planning again and the written about how we have achieved the in the opening.


Evaluation - Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
For this question of the evaluation i made a video using my nikon D5100 and iMovie to edit so that i could include footage from my media opening but also refer back to examples of conventional ideas that we used which are in current media products. The main things which i talk about in the video include: 

The significance of the reflection at the beginning
Connection with the character through certain shots
Use of voiceovers 
The setting of the opening 
Reasons behind our decisions
Character choice and the mise en scene choice of the characters
Choice of music
Overall opinion of how i feel the opening used or challenged the conventions of existing products.

It took me a long time to make the video as i had to write the voiceover script and think about suitable music where you could hear the voiceover. I also had to get relevant clips from opening in my research stage. I am happy with how this section of the evaluation has gone and i think i am going to do more sections of my evaluation in this style 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

'I've got time' - Our opening

Choosing our distributor - research into institution

Fox searchlight
We did a lot of research into finding which distributor would be most suitable for out film which we classed as 'independent'. We came across Fox searchlight amongst this and decided that this would be the right choice as it specialises in distributing independent British films, just like ours. It is owned by 'Fox' which is a large American company and works on distributing british films to American audiences but also internationally. Here we have one of the main reasons why we picked this distributor as it means that we would have so much more of a larger audience ranging to america and we can have the link with the hollywood industry which would allow the opportunity for our film to grow in popularity.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Changes to the opening

During the production of the opening we came across some difficulties which lead to a range of changes, in order for us to use our time effectively and to get the best result.
The main change was the role of Emma. We chose to have a protagonist who came from a different school which caused difficulties with days and times in which we were able to film - and with all the changes and small bits of re-filming we had to do it just wasn't ideal and we would not have got our opening done in time. To resolve this issue we used Katie who is in our group to be in the actual film and play the part of Emma which has worked very well.
After the change in character we found that the classroom scene we originally thought of sounded a lot better in our head and wasn't that achievable with the equipment that we had so we changed the second half of the opening to a school bathroom scene which i will explain next to the storyboard.
Another thing we had to change was the train station section. we found that some of the clips werent all that good and stable and then script needed changing due to it not sounding right or flowing very well therefore i re-filmed the whole train station section with aaron and katie acting. 

How the filming and editing turned out: 
after all the changes that we made, we had to change around the filming side of things as well as the editing as we had a lot less time and had to divide jobs up within the group.
We came to a decision that me and Katie would film and edit the second section of the opening: this includes the journey montage to the train station, and the actual train station scene and chlaryse and jade would film and edit the fist section in the toilet including the difficult task of voice-overs which we had a lot of trouble with. I additionally helped film some parts of the first section as it was my camera and knew how to focus on separate sections in the frame.
Katie was an actor in the film so i filmed all of the fsecond section and katie edited all my shots together however we helped eachother with the framinig when i was filming and i helped katie with some of the editing too. 

Changes to the character
This is the updated character profile for Emma. We didn't have to make many changes to the character profile, the main changes included the appearance of the character, the physical description of Emma. Another thing that we altered was the habits of the character which we also portrayed within the filming. This was that she played with her hair a lot which can give evidence that she is an awkward and socially nervous person. The traits of the character, however have stayed the same as we always had an idea of how we wanted Emma to act.

Firstly we changed the script before we knew about the change we were going to make to the classroom scene. We kept the whole beginning section the same including the voiceover but had to alter the conversation between Emma and Harry. The first time that we filmed the train station scene, we noticed that the quote that aaron read out from the oliver twist book didn't sound right - it didn't sound like a quote from the book at was very udeen to the point that it seemed a bit creepy. Because of this we decided to show aaron saying 'that's a classic, that is' which seemed like a better, less stange conversation starter. This flowed so much better and we managed to include some more shots which capture the emotion when Harry noices what Emma is reading.

The second and final changes that we made to the script was the beginning. Once we had filmed the classroom scene and it wasn't as successful as we hoped it would have been, we changed our idea to the school toilets which helped us stick to the conventional reflection beginning shot. We added in a section where emma gets knocked by one of the other girls in the toilet which reinforces the idea that she is invisible and also a school bell the rings which cuts off the music and establishes the school environment. We were happy with the final script as we felt it all flowed a lot better and the voiceover matched the shots better.

story board
This is the final story board. We updated all the images of the first scene from the classroom to the school toilets and this ensured that we had more of a variety with the shots and camera movement. This scene looked so much better than the classroom scene due to us having a lot more time to film it so that we had stable, professional looking shots. It was difficult to film the scene due to the mirrors, this meant that we had to ensure the camera wasn't in the shot at any point in the reflection and that the background was completely clear.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Shooting schedule

Origional shooting schedule
This is the shooting schedule which we decided to use as it was the days where the cast were able to participate. In order for Rhiannon (the protagonist) to be able to take part we had to arrange it for when she finished early from school as she does not go to the same college as us. We also had to make sure that aaron was free for the wednesday and that we were able to get other students of out age both male and female to be characters within the classroom scene. 

character profiles

The protagonist - Emma Turner
For Emma's (rhiannons) profile we chose to dress her in very plain clothing but also thought carefully about some of the smaller details that can tell a little more about the character. Things such as the bracelet from her other set up the plot a little as it will be introduced later in the film and the bracelet will have more significance. We also included the fact that she has the same traits as the ones we gathered from our research such as the hobbies that she has - this will make her more relatable as a character. 

Harry Ryder - The love interest 
We also made Harry (aaron) have very plain clothes so that he is someone that wouldn't usually get noticed when you walk past him. The fact that he prefers trains as oppose to buses as a public transport because he feels safer can connote that he isn't the strongest character and struggles fitting in with the rest of society. 

Script - I've Got Time

This is our final ides for the script. We had to make a lot of changes as originally it was a lot longer and emma and Harry had a longer conversation. 

The first, longer script included: 
Harry and Emma talking about the book in more detail and harry noticing her name on the bookmark - emma was the confused by this as to why someone is talking to her due to her being so used to being ignored. It gets late and they have both missed the last train so Harry offers to walk her home, however it is about a 40 minute walk so emma tell him to just leave it and she will walk along but he replies with 'I've got time'. This is where we got the idea for our film title. The main dialogue after this was when harry and emma got to half way home for Emma and where she feels uncomfortable to walk the rest of the way home because she knows that her step dad will be angry and she doesn't want harry to see this. The conversation then takes a strange turn and harry becomes suspicious as to why she has suddenly changed her tone and got all up tight about things. 

After looking at all the things that we were trying to achieve, we realized that realistically we would never be able to fit this into a two minute opening. In fact we noticed that we went into too much depth and that would in fact be about 10 - 20 minutes long which is quite a large section of the film. 
We realized that all we really needed to fit into the opening was a little bit about Emma's life and the moment she meets harry leaving an enigma to know what happens after they have met.

Story Board Images