Tuesday, March 4, 2014

character profiles

The protagonist - Emma Turner
For Emma's (rhiannons) profile we chose to dress her in very plain clothing but also thought carefully about some of the smaller details that can tell a little more about the character. Things such as the bracelet from her other set up the plot a little as it will be introduced later in the film and the bracelet will have more significance. We also included the fact that she has the same traits as the ones we gathered from our research such as the hobbies that she has - this will make her more relatable as a character. 

Harry Ryder - The love interest 
We also made Harry (aaron) have very plain clothes so that he is someone that wouldn't usually get noticed when you walk past him. The fact that he prefers trains as oppose to buses as a public transport because he feels safer can connote that he isn't the strongest character and struggles fitting in with the rest of society. 

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