Monday, January 20, 2014

Codes and conventions of teen romance

The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

Creation of enigma
During the opening a black screen has been used where the credits roll and there is the sound of a typewriter which makes you wander what is being written and why. There is then a voiceover of Charlie (the main character), still with no image. This allows the audience to focus only on what is being said and to get an idea of what the character is talking about - usually letting the audience into their life as what is said is quite personal. 

Introduction to characters
Charlie is first introduced though a reflection in the mirror, this is after the voice-over however as an audience you can now put a face to the story - this is when you know he is going to be important in the film. There is a fade from black to a blurred image of Charlie as it slowly gets focused and the fact that we first see him through the reflection can connote that he hides who he really is. Hence, he is the wallflower. We can also tell from the introduction that he is a troubled teen. This is because of what is being said in the non-diegetic voice-over 'please don't try to figure out who i am' which shows how he is rejecting people from finding out who he really is.

Setting up plot
There is a very long introduction to the opening where it is continuous footage of the view from a car travelling through tunnels and cities. Straight away this tells you that the film is going to have an adventurous side to it as the journey can symbolise the journey in someone's life that is about to happen and that this road that they are on is significant to this person. However, the main give-away to what the plot will be is the voice-over as Charlie is writing the letter. He says 'You'd know i wasn't the weird boy who spends all his time in the hospital' but also 'but tomorrow is my first day of high school'. Here we find out two things: he is known previously to be an outcast, he hasn't fit in and obviously gets picked on because he is different. We then find out that it is going to be based at the new school which he is going to - new school, new start and the audience will then want to know what is going to happen at this school.

Pace and rhythm
The entire opening has a slow pace to it. There are very few straight cuts which can connote that Charlie takes time to understand things (socially) as much as others would. The cuts are also well spread out from one another which can convey the idea of it being his life and the stages in his life which he is taking.

Mood and tone
The typewriter credits at the beginning automatically set a relaxed tone, as though someone was sitting in their free time writing something in silence - which can link to the age group it is aimed at as they could be doing college work (teens). It could also suggest something about the character, their love for writing for example which tell you something about them before you even see their face. Before the typewriter sound kicks in, there is a guitar based music in the background whilst the car is driving which gives the film a happy and positive tone straight away. This then fades out slowly into only Charlie's voice-over which sets a more serious mood to it, his voice also sounds like it's all on one tone which can make him seem like an upset/depressed teen.

Now Is Good

Creation of enigma
The opening begins with a blurred image of Tessa as it is the reflection in a steamed up mirror. once she wipes away the steam to see her face a voice-over comes in where she begins to talk about moments which makes the audience question what will happen next. She even says 'Anything could happen next' at the end of the voice-over which informs you that something IS going to happen next but we are yet to find out what it is.

Introduction to characters
Tessa is introduced first with a close up shot of her wiping away the screen to reveal the focused image of her. This could connote that she is hiding who she really is and wants to let others know who she really is as a person. The fact that you can only hear the voice-over and some slight background music which has a magical, dreamy tone to it suggests that she is daydreaming - this is then backed up by her friend who is next introduced. She is introduced at a slight high angle which can suggest that she is less important than Tessa even though her body language implies differently. She is dressed all in black which can connote that she is a bad influence on Tessa and is the typical teen as she talks to Tessa about sex and boys.

Setting up plot
The plot is mainly set up by the thoughts of tessa being spoken through non-diegetic sound. She says: 'Moments. This is one. This right here, right now is definitely a moment. Anything could happen next'. From this we gain an understanding of her as a character as she seems to treasure things a lot from what she is saying. So therefore we know that memories will play a large role in her life. This is also supported by the conversation that her and her friend have. Her friend days directly to her 'come on then, number one on the list' which is implying that Tessa has made a list of things that she wants to do - number 1 being the most important. In other words we know she has a bucketlist and wants to do the things on the list for some reason. An arc to the mirror showing what she had put as number one on the mirror is then shown. She had written 'sex' which can back up why the film is aimed at a teen audience.

Pace and rhythm
The introduction to the film is quite personal in order to get to know the characters a little more so therefore lots of close up shots are used of the characters at a slow pace between straight cuts so that we can familiarise ourselves with the characters. Shots such as mid shots are also used to show elements on mise en scene such as the outfits which they are wearing which also tell us something about them. The slow cuts can connote the whole idea of Tessa trying to delay the new experience as she doesn't feel comfortable doing it but she is influenced highly by her friend.

Mood and tone
The opening begins with a fade from black to a blurred image of Tessa which creates a dreamy tone and foreshadows Tessa daydreaming and explains the reason why she is zoned out (explained in the voice-over). There is also non-diegetic music at the end of the opening to reveal the word on the mirror - this then fades onto the next scene more fluently. The music which is introduced in the next scene has quite a dangerous mood to the scene.


Creation of enigmaThe opening begins unusually which can leave the audience confused as to what's going on. Mainly because the action being shown doesn't match the voice of the character. There is a voice-over of Bella talking in a monotone voice which emphasises the whole idea of her being a depressed teen (who needs the love of her life to come and solve her troubles - stereotypical plot).
Introduction To characters
At the beginning the voiceover of Bella mentions elements such as death whilst there is a deer on the screen which can tell us that she is quite an emotional character, she also sounds quite upset from the voiceover due to the monotone to her voice. There is a zoom up to bella until the camera is at a close up shot of her which allows the audience to put a face to the voice and familiarise themselves with the first character shown - evident to be the most important. Shortly after there is a quick view of her mom and her moms boyfriend which matches what is being said on the voiceover and the two shot connotes the close relationship which they have. This also exaggerates why it is such a big deal why she is moving out to live with her Dad. 

Setting up plot

We find out that there is a change in Bella's life coming us as the voice-over mentions how she is moving in with her Dad, away from her mom who she usually lives with. The story then begins as the music kicks in and we are introduced to her mother. The credits 'Twilight' comes last as it is the name of the film but it also bookmarks the new beginning of Bella's life living with her Dad, away from her Mom. not only this but the happy positive music can symbolise a fresh start.

Pace and rhythm
the beginning is very fast paced and action packed to grab the views attention from the very beginning and leave and enigma. It creates a mystery about the start and makes you wander what was chasing the deer and why. There are fast straight cuts and lots of tracking camera movements which builds the tension and makes the person chasing the deer unfocused and unidentifiable.

Mood and tone
The beginning of the clip is quite peaceful which then gets more action packed which can connote that once she moves in with her dad things are going to change from being normal and peaceful, to it being more adventurous and full of new experiences. The fact that the voice-over is spoken in a monotone can portray the whole idea that she is a troubled teen and finds things stressful easily. She doesn't like the change she is about to make.

A Cinderella Story 

Creation of enigma
The opening begins with a blurred image of Tessa as it is the reflection in a steamed up mirror. once she wipes away the steam to see her face a voice-over comes in where she begins to talk about moments which makes the audience question what will happen next. She even says 'Anything could happen next' at the end of the voice-over which informs you that something IS going to happen next but we are yet to find out what it is.

Introduction to characters
Tessa is introduced first with a close up shot of her wiping away the screen to reveal the focused image of her. This could connote that she is hiding who she really is and wants to let others know who she really is as a person. The fact that you can only hear the voice-over and some slight background music which has a magical, dreamy tone to it suggests that she is daydreaming - this is then backed up by her friend who is next introduced. She is introduced at a slight high angle which can suggest that she is less important than Tessa even though her body language implies differently. She is dressed all in black which can connote that she is a bad influence on Tessa and is the typical teen as she talks to Tessa about sex and boys.

Setting up plot
The plot is mainly set up by the thoughts of tessa being spoken through non-diegetic sound. She says: 'Moments. This is one. This right here, right now is definitely a moment. Anything could happen next'. From this we gain an understanding of her as a character as she seems to treasure things a lot from what she is saying. So therefore we know that memories will play a large role in her life. This is also supported by the conversation that her and her friend have. Her friend days directly to her 'come on then, number one on the list' which is implying that Tessa has made a list of things that she wants to do - number 1 being the most important. In other words we know she has a bucketlist and wants to do the things on the list for some reason. An arc to the mirror showing what she had put as number one on the mirror is then shown. She had written 'sex' which can back up why the film is aimed at a teen audience.

Pace and rhythm
The introduction to the film is quite personal in order to get to know the characters a little more so therefore lots of close up shots are used of the characters at a slow pace between straight cuts so that we can familiarise ourselves with the characters. Shots such as mid shots are also used to show elements on mise en scene such as the outfits which they are wearing which also tell us something about them. The slow cuts can connote the whole idea of Tessa trying to delay the new experience as she doesn't feel comfortable doing it but she is influenced highly by her friend.

Mood and tone
The opening begins with a fade from black to a blurred image of Tessa which creates a dreamy tone and foreshadows Tessa daydreaming and explains the reason why she is zoned out (explained in the voice-over). There is also non-diegetic music at the end of the opening to reveal the word on the mirror - this then fades onto the next scene more fluently. The music which is introduced in the next scene has quite a dangerous mood to the scene.

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