Sunday, January 26, 2014

Target Audience Mood Board

Target Audience Mood board
After looking at some of the survey monkey results, i noticed that most of the people that replied were 16 and 17. I then looked into what they like to do in their free time and the main thing was films, read and music. Due to these results i made sure that i included elements of these free time activities on the mood board.

This is one of the images on the mood board. Due to us having the idea that our teen romance is going to be one where either or both the characters are going to be an outcast, we included the usual things associated with outcasts. The library image can represent the reading aspect that out audience spend there time doing which means that they will be able to relate to the character a little more.

I also included this image of a bedroom due to Nicole saying that it where teens spend most their time in the target audience interview. This is the place which tends to tell you most about an individual: the tidiness of the room, the colours and the things that are actually in the room. For example in perks of being a wallflower, Charlie has a rustic desk with a typewriter on and a lot of writing equipment. straight away this tells you that he enjoys writing, does a lot of work, works hard at school, likes the less modern things compared to teens stereotypical style. This is what makes him seem like an outcast when you are first introduced to him.

The main character from the princess diaries is also on the board because she i known to be an outcast. She wants to conform to the 'normal' aspects of society but feels invisible.

I included small snippets of text in the collage as well. This quote reminded me a lot of the resposes that we got in the survey monkey as the free time activities seem to be ones which isolate an individual to their own devices. People tend to say that they go in their own world when they are listening to music, same as when reading books and watching films. Therefore this seemed relevant to our target audience. We also found that our audience prefered to have a female protagonist which can suggest that the 'she' is also relevant as we are most likely going to have a female protagonist as she will be more relatable.

This image of ashton from '5 seconds of summer' is on the collage as he conforms to the idea of a cute boyfriend that our target audience talk about. he doesn't look like a typical outcast/geek and doesn't look like a complete jock, therefore he would be perfect for the role of the male character in our opening.

The bird cage cartoon image in the corner is a great symbolisation of our protagonist in the story. From the research i did into the existing teenage romance dramas, i found that most the protagonist's can't express their true self and tend to hide away from the rest of society. So in this image the bird is the protagonist and the cage is revealing some parts of them to the audience but holding them beck from flying away to where they want to be.
There are then just smaller images on the board such as the lipstick, the backpack and the glasses which connote all the same kind of thing - how they are a bit of an outcast but wish they were seen to be a bit more normal then they are perceived to be. There is also a picture of a park to represent the response about typical settings associated with a teen romance from the target audience interview and fom looking at some of the answers on survey monkey.

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