Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Survey Monkey results

Age group interest charts
As survey monkey doesn't create charts for interests which people have, so i made my own graphs in microsoft exel. The main bulk of reponses came from people of at the age of 16 and 17. This graph indicates that watching films (including going to the cinema), reading, listening to music, spending time on social media and socialising is what the majority like to spent their free time doing. After doing genre research we found similarities between the intersts of our audience from survey monkey and with the interests of the outcasts in teen romance films. these included: 
- reading
- listening to music 
- watching films 
The only element which differs in the socialising part. This is because stereotypically outcasts tend to keep themselves to themselves and avoid socialising with other people as they feel as though they don't fit in. However, to make the film more relatable we will have to include a small aspect of socialisation. Maybe even if it just the boy who she meets that she socialises with: we still need to include a form of contact with another person. 

Are you male or female?
At the very beginning of the survey we asked what gender the person was who was filling out the form. From this we found that 56 people out of the 66 that answered the survey were females. 54 of these females were aged 16 and 17, others ranged above 17 to about 50 years old. Because of this, we knew already that females were more interested in filing out the survey after we told them it was a teen romance. Generally, the majority of the audience for a teen romance is a female as they are more interested in the fantasy side of things. Also, the fact that my group attend a girls school meant that most of our piers filled it out who were female. After this, we knew that we were going to aim our film at female teenagers as they seemed more interested.

How many of the following films have you seen? 
It was important that we addressed existing films when asking questions as they are our main inspiration for the opening. The film that was most popular was Twilight. It seemed as though this was a film which boys had seen too. Therefore this is a film that we will try not to be as similar to as we are aiming it at females. the second most popular was a Cinderella story. This film has a female protagonist and has a voiceover at the beginning with a misleading set up which seemed to be something that enticed the audience. Not only this but it has a theme of fantasy which seems to be popular amongst audiences when it comes to romances. The least watched film is pretty in pink. This is about how a girl must chose between the affections of her childhood sweetheart and a rich but sensitive playboy. I think that less people had watched this as it didn't appeal to them as much when seeing this advertisement. Therefore i think that it is a better idea to do a film which has just one boy who the girl likes from the very beginning, but have a small twist in the middle of the film.

If you have seen any of them, what did you enjoy? 
About 78% of people that filled out the survey said that the characters were the most important part of the film. From this, i think that it is important that we find someone who compliments the whole 'outcast' appearance and who can fill the role well in order for it to look as realistic as possible. This can be because they enjoy doing the stereotypical free time activities, not because of their appearance as we can use mise en scene to adjust this factor. The plot was the second most important thing. In order to guarantee a good opening, we will have to write the plot of the rest of the film so that we know how we are going to leave the opening in a cliff hanger leaving them wanting to see why the film has opening in such a way. 30% of people said that the relatability was important which is what we have a big focus on already. This is because both the survey, the interviews and the focus group said this was important.

What settings do you usually associate with a film aimed at teens?
Out of 66 people who answered the survey, 60 of them said that school was a place which they associate most with teen films. This is because most the people in chick flicks are the same age as the audience and are attending school, this makes the film look more realistic but also relatable for the audience. The second most voted setting was the home. Again, a place which teens spend a lot fo their time when they're not at school. I think that school and home are the two most important setting which we should definitely try to include in our film opening. 
I do, however think that it would be good to introduce a setting which isn't stereotypical which can foreshadow how our protagonist is not stereotypical as a teen and is an outcast. A place such as a train station which can have many different directions for a plot after the opening.

Link to survey monkey questionnaire: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=DpSFXAqhRIKjjV4rhtKChgSym3dZjbn9eNr61l1sXSg%3d

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