Sunday, January 26, 2014

Target Audience Interview Video

As part of my target audience research i did an interview with my friend who is 16 and i asked her about the teen romance genre where she based her answers on what she has seen in other films. 

I started off with a life of the questions which i wanted to ask, they included:
1. What are your expectations of a teen romance film?

2. What do you not want to seen in a teen romance?
3. What is the most important element for you when it comes to teen romance and why? (such as characters, plot etc)
4. Would you prefer to see a male or female protagonist?
5. What are the main settings that you associate with a teen romance? 

I also found that when i was asking the questions i could add in smaller questions to get a more detailed response. 

This interview has been useful as i have been able to make some conclusions from it so that i can make my groups opening suitable for the teen audience. These conclusions include the following:
- Teenage girls are more likely to watch a romance genre film if there is an attractive male character as they can fantasize about being in the situation that the girl in the story is in. This means that they want a female character to be involved and expect there to be a happy ending - the happy ending is key.
- A female protagonist is preferred because this way, as a viewer you can put yourself in their situation and make things more relatable. 
- they don't want to see the 'evil' character to get the girl because they don't like the idea of the cute, adorable nice guy being unhappy as it again, isn't a happy ending. however, they do like to see a twist in the story where you think that the evil character is going to get the girl but then doesn't in the end. This way the film is more interesting.
- Characters are very important in the film, they need to be relatable - so the characters would have to be roughly the same age as the audience for a teen romance so that the audience can really place themselves in the characters position. 
- settings which they expect to see in a teen romance are school as people watching the film are also going to school but also the bedroom as teens tend to spend a lot of time in the bedroom and a bedroom tells you a lot about someone's personality so you can get to know the character better. 
- i then focused on the opening and found out that is is important that the opening is just a casual day in the life of that person as the opening is a way of personally connecting with the main character from the very beginning.

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